Donate Eyes To Give Sight
Give yourself a role in the Eye Donation Movement- Help to Give Gift of Sight. Donate your eyes after you are no more.
How you can help…
- Do not burn or bury your eyes.
- Donate them after death.
- Motivate the family member of any person who has died in your area to donate his/her eyes.
- Contact the nearest eye bank within six hours after death.
- The eye bank will attend the call, harvest and process the eyes and arrange for transplantation to a needy person.
Millions of visually challenged people around the world could get back the Gift of Sight because of eye donations from people who pledged to donate their eyes after they were no more.
Pledge to donate your eyes after you are no more. It costs nothing to you, but makes a world of difference to someone who is visually challenged. Just send an e mail or call us. We will do all that is required to help you give the Gift of Sight. Call Toll Free 1919 to donate your eyes.
National Society for the Prevention of Blindness-India
Dr.Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi- 110 029
Tel. 011 26588812
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi- 110 029
Tel. 011 26588812
National Eye Bank
Dr.Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi- 110 029
Tel: 26589461(Direct), 26588700, 26588500
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi- 110 029
Tel: 26589461(Direct), 26588700, 26588500