Workshops & Seminars
In order to foster good relationship between NSPB-India’s branches and its National Hqrs., New Delhi and develop the scientific temper, the Society has encouraged organizing workshops/seminars/symposia at the Hqrs. on the theme mentioned below:-
- Symposium on Dry Eye-2005
- Seminar on ARMD-2004
- Symposium on HIV/AIDS and the Eye-2004
- Seminar on “Industrial Blindness”-2004
- Prevention of blindness in tribal population
- Role of Voluntary Organizations in the Field of Prevention of Blindness
- Symposium on Childhood Blindness-2000
- Community Ophthalmology integrated approach
- Ocular Manifestations of Nutritional Disorders
- Eye Banking and Eye Donation-1998
- Prevention of Blindness in School Going Children-1997-98
- Visual Hazards in Industries and their Environmental Effects-1993
- Diabetes and the eyes-1991
- Cataract Backlog –how to combat it-1991
- Resource Mobilization for voluntary agencies- 1991
- Workshop for Media Persons on Eye Health Care- 1990
- Impact of National Program on Control of Blindness and its projection for the 8th five year plan- 1989
- Malnutrition and the Eye-1986
- National Seminar on Safe Approach to Eye Camp Surgery-1986